"Go For It!"
"Go For It!"
Wisqiti's take on various subjects. Agree or disagree? Click on "For Your Consideration" to find out.
Is it possible to enjoy a Baltic adventure without spending too much time on board a floating resort? Yes! Why not try an Un-Cruise?
Every year, from December 26th to December 31st, Trenton, New Jersey hosts “Patriots' Week”, an educational and participatory celebration of The Battles of Trenton and American Revolutionary times and spirit.
For no special reason, I have decided to post some recent meals I have prepared, replete with pretentious descriptions. While they are perfectly fine, steaks and potatoes and grilled chicken breasts will not be found here.
Loosely translated, "wisqiti" is the Quechua word for "go for it!"
Wisqiti.com is a written manifestation of that sentiment: formulate ideas and share them.
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